Sunday, September 4, 2011

whoops, further updates

Upon perusal of my list, I realize I have also finished the following and forgotten to blog about them:

TROPIC OF CANCER, Henry Miller (blech, basically)

BAD BEHAVIOR, Mary Gaitskill (liked it ok; got me reading more short stories; didn't totally fall in love)

WHAT WE TALK ABOUT WHEN WE TALK ABOUT LOVE, Raymond Carver (again, enjoyed; more short stories please; revealed Gordon Lish editorial style to me, which has been very educational)

CHARMING BILLY, Alice McDermott (lovely writing, but I found it a bit inaccessible)

THE SUN ALSO RISES, Ernest Hemingway (yep, definitely a fan)

THE WIND-UP BIRD CHRONICLES, Haruki Murakami (glad I've got a Murakami under my belt now, but I just don't think I'm a fan of his)

I also started Charles Dickens's DAVID COPPERFIELD, but kind of put it aside after 30% (on Kindle). I'm just starting Edward P Jones's THE KNOWN WORLD now.

Wahoo. Almost halfway through.


Anonymous said...

I've only ever read The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles, but I hear good things about Norwegian Wood? In the interests of full disclosure, I loved TWUBC for the same reason I love David Lynch films - they make total sense until you try and explain it to someone else. There's a surreal quality to both that I very much enjoy. Possibly because I like to reject reality whenever possible.

moonrat said...

Innnteresting. I will say I am NOT a David Lynch fan, so perhaps you have isolated a media overlap :)