Saturday, August 29, 2009

Amanda's progress - July & August

Well, I haven't been reading too many books off my list this last little while. Too many other reading challenges I've been trying to complete! Altogether, I've read 4 more in the last two months. Here's what I've read, with brief thoughts about each book and links to the full reviews. All my reviews are located at The Zen Leaf.

1. A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf - I would have preferred to listen to this one on audio, but it was pretty good. Still hard to get through like all Woolf seems to be. 3.5 Stars.

2. East of Eden by John Steinbeck - Excellent book, though not as good as the Grapes of Wrath. A little heavy handed with the biblical references near the end. 4 Stars.

3. So Yesterday by Scott Westerfeld - A standalone Westerfeld book that doesn't get anywhere near as much attention as it deserves. This ranks among my favorites of his. 4.5 Stars.

4. The Last Days by Scott Westerfeld - Eh. B-grade. Too many big white worms. Everything was too convenient. This is the first disappointing book by Westerfeld I've ever read. 2.5 Stars.

Okay, hopefully September will bring me back with another good set of progress on this challenge. So far, I'm at 24 books read, 3 skipped.