Friday, December 4, 2009


It's been a little while since I've been on here, so here is a brief catchup!

Lady Chatterley's Lover - DH Lawrence

I don't know what I was expecting when I picked this one up. I knew about the banning and the controversy obviously, and now that I've read it I can understand why. Definitely ahead of its time. For the most part, I didn't find ANY of the characters that likeable, and parts of the story dragged a bit, but I'm glad I read it.

Breakfast at Tiffany's - Truman Capote

I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH! Holly Golightly is definitely one of my favourite fictional characters of all time, and Truman Capote is now one of my favourite authors.

Lolita - Vladamir Nabokov

This one was a surprise. I thought I was going to hate this book with a passion, but the more I read it the more I liked it. Everyone in the book is despicable in one way or another, and in the end I didn't see Humbert Humbert as the outrageous creep I thought I would.

A Fraction of the Whole - Steve Toltz

Man this was heavy. It was funny, but there was a whole lot of pontificating going on, which was a bit of a struggle. I enjoyed it a lot.


Linda said...

Glad you liked Lolita. It just didn't work for me. Perhaps Breakfast at Tiffany's should be on my next list. Capote's In Cold Blood is excellent too.

Anonymous said...

It really has surprised me how much I liked Lolita. At first I found Humbert to be awful, but the more I read the more fascinated I became.

I can definitely recommend Breakfast at Tiffany's. I read True Blood earlier in the year too, I must try and find Capote's other book, Other Voices Other Rooms, or whatever it's called.

moonrat said...

i've always meant to read Truman Capote. i've read tons ABOUT him. and STILL i managed to leave him off my gaps list. le sigh.

J.C. Montgomery said...

Well done.

I have read Capote, but it was In Cold Blood. I am hoping to get my hands on Breakfast at Tiffany's. I want to read something from Capote that isn't so dark and frightening. I love his writing.

Lolita has been on my list for quite a while. Another one I need to get.

Thanks for the insights.