Saturday, May 22, 2010

On a mission...

I've decided that because I've been pretty slack in the gap filling of late, I need to set myself a challenge.

So here it is: I'm going to try and read Ulysses by James Joyce by Bloomsday, which is the 15th of June.

I'm pretty sure that this will turn out to be impossible, as most of my ideas are, but I solemnly swear to update on the 15th of June with my progress report at least.

Anyone else feeling brave/monumentally insane?


Emily Cross said...

aw i would love to!!

But don't think i'd make it, maybe next year though?

moonrat said...

oh man! this is on my list, and i would literally love to have someone to read it with, but i have too many obligations at work right now (i have to read all the books in our next catalog). i don't think i'm going to be out of the woods entirely until july or even august.

i do have a feeling, though, that Ulysses is one of the ones that (like Gravity's Rainbow) it will be best for me to try to put together a group for...

Vasilly said...

I'm feeling a little insane too but not enough to read Ulysses in such a short time!LOL! Good luck on your goal!

SFP said...

Good luck! I've been reading Ulysses since February with a friend and we spent a couple weeks earlier this month telling ourselves that we were going to pick up the pace and finish by Bloomsday. Didn't last; we'll probably not finish till the end of the summer.