Sunday, May 17, 2009


Hey everyone, I'm curious - how many of you are on Goodreads (or one of the other book database networks)? Recently, I added a shelf on my Goodreads profile for my 100 Fill-in-the-Gaps books to help me keep better/easier track of my list. I know I've probably connected with some of you on Goodreads, but I wondered if anyone else would like to connect. We can get a whole FitG Goodreads ring together. :) If so, that link up there is to my profile.


Anonymous said...

I am! Here I am!

Jen A said...

I'm on there - my profile is

I have a shelf too, called simply fill-in-the-gaps :)

Amanda said...

You guys rock. I'd love to see us all connect. :D

Crystal Posey said...

I'm exploring it. May or may not use it.