Thursday, May 14, 2009

Members Update: 60 and counting

Thought i'd let everyone know that we now currently have over 60 (61 to be specific - i just confirmed those last two invites) contributers to this blog!! Yay!

If you're new to the blog, feel free to email me for an invite. Plenty of space for members (39 spaces).

Also, if you've just become a member, we're currently doing a group read about Middlemarch by George Eliot, entitled 'MiddleMay' - feel free to join up and comment :)

P.S. if you recently posted your 100 list, remember to check the '100 book list' section on the right, in case i missed your list.

P.P.S - i want to check also if everyone is happy with the layout/colour scheme of this blog?


Amanda said...

I like the layout and color Emily. I think you're doing a great job. :)

iasa said...

You are doing a fabulous job, thanks.

moonrat said...

thank you for everything, Emily!

Emily Cross said...

maintainence of the blog is nothing - anyone can do it

its everyones participation and the idea of FTGP itself that are the important things.

So, thank you everyone :) !!!

PurpleClover said...

The blog is Perfection. With a capital "P". :) Thanks!

Mya Barrett said...

The layout is great, and the background in particular is wonderful. You're doing a terrific job, and it's very exciting to see all the people who are joining. This has gotten to be one heck of a project!

Crystal Posey said...

I like the layout. I think it's great for this project.

Linda said...

Perfetto! Mucho perfetto!


Pace, Linda