Monday, April 27, 2009

Finished #2, The Member of the Wedding

I'm reading these a little more slowly than some of you, I think, because I'm reading other books in between! But I have finished the second book on my list, The Member of the Wedding by Carson McCullers. I feel that I have to confess here that I adore Southern literature, and I've been hooked on McCullers since I read The Heart is a Lonely Hunter in 10th grade. This book was phenomenal. 5 out of 5 stars. McCullers just has this way of making you feel the characters emotions so close and personal that they might as well be your own...all the more impressive with the main characters is a preteen girl, and you haven't felt that way yourself in 20 or more years. I wrote a longer review of it over at my blog, Corrodentia Weekly, and also on GoodReads, if you're interested. I just got back from a trip out of town, so I did three book reviews in one post on my blog - look for the last book in the post to see my review of this one.

Up next is Middlemarch, as I'll be joining the Middlemay group to read this. First, though, I have to finish Eat, Pray, Love and then for my book club, I have to read The Graveyard Book. Whew!