Thursday, April 23, 2009

Native Son, by Richard Wright

I finished reading this book a couple days ago, and finally had a chance to put up my review here. This was a difficult read for me, and took me a long time. I really wish I'd had some kind of classroom setting to talk about it all--there's a lot in it to be processed.

Anyone else read it? Any thoughts?


The Book Resort said...

No, I hope you find someone to dish about it with = }.

Anonymous said...

I read Native Son eight or nine years ago, and was very impressed with it. It has much in common with Crime and Punishment and Dreiser's An American Tragedy. There is a series of free online lecture courses from Yale University, one of which is a "The American Novel Since 1945." The first two lectures are about Richard Wright and his autobiographical novel "Black Boy," but there is much that applies to "Native Son" as well. you might enjoy watching them:

moonrat said...

Thanks, Steven!

Jen A said...

I've read it, but it's been ages and ages. I read both Black Boy and Native Son in an African-American lit class in college...more than 10 years ago since I was in that class. I have both on my bookshelf still, but I'm not sure I remember much about either book except that I liked them both.