Sunday, August 30, 2009

iasa, Progress Report

I spent two months of the summer in Belize so I didn't get much reading done, except for what I had in e-book format.  Although I got lucky. A tourist left behind a copy of Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade. I did manage to read the following however, way back at the end of June. 

The Thirty Nine Steps- John Buchan

The Benson Murder Case - S.S. Van Dine

Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade - Diana Gabaldon

The Drums of Jeopardy - Harold MacGrath

The Slime Beast - Guy N. Smith

The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndam

I don't feel I can remember the novel in enough detail to give adequate reviews.  Suffice to say they are, barring Lord John, short easy to read novels.  Never too taxing, they were ideal in between nap books.